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Learning & Development Product Updates

Learn about new features we've released lately and how you can leverage this functionality for your business.

April 2024


Standard Push API for HRIS Integration

This update helps us more seamlessly allow customers to import customer location/user data from various HRIS systems. The standard Push API provides guidance to customers on the correct format for this data, providing a better integration experience for our customers and allowing more efficient maintenance for our team.

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“Always Food Safe” Integration 

Customers can now take advantage of training content created by Always Food Safe and more easily provide this content to their learners while seeing completion data from these courses reflected in TalentLink. To use AFS training content, customers should speak to AFS directly to obtain the content, and communicate to AFS their intention of pulling completion data into the Crunchtime Learning & Development platform (TalentLink). Payment transactions will take place directly between the customer and Always Food Safe, without involvement from Crunchtime. 

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Updated “Help” Section

We’ve revamped our "Help" section to provide a better, easier-to-use support experience for our customers. Not only will this new platform provide better discoverability and usability for customers, but it will provide a more seamless management experience for our support team which will allow them to provide and update support content more quickly. 

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Improved Notification Delivery

To ensure that customers never miss a notification, we’ve improved our email delivery process. Periodically, some customers would not receive a notification due to a full mailbox, requiring a manual clearing of that mailbox to allow for more notifications. Now, with these improvements, customers won’t have to worry about that mailbox being full. Going forward, look to receive notifications from DoNotReply@discoverlink.com instead of do_not_reply2@dscvrlink.onmicrosoft.com.


November 2023


Performance Enhancements: Offline Course Availability Updates

We’ve improved the performance of the app by limiting offline access to courses that are not currently in use. Supporting offline access for only learning programs that were opened before going offline allows us to support the most relevant, in-use course for the user while they train without an internet connection. If a learner accidentally loses connectivity while taking a course, the course completion will be recorded when the user reconnects to WIFI.


Improved Mobile App Performance

The latest version of the TalentLink App has been developed to provide a smoother and faster user experience. With more efficient calls to the server, load times will improve and lag issues will decrease.


Mobile App Infrastructure Enhancements

We've made significant improvements to the app's infrastructure, ensuring it remains robust and reliable. Downloading the latest version of our mobile app will ensure that we can seamlessly deliver updates and new features to users in the future.



October 2023


New Language: Portuguese

Portuguese has been added as a new language available for the Talentlink interface.



May 2023


Set Specific Recurrence Date Options

In the past, a learning program could only be set to repeat in a specific number of months or years. We have now added several options that provide more flexibility in defining repeat behavior. You can:

  • Set a recurrence for any number of days you choose.
  • Set a specific recurrence date for every 1, 2, or 3 years.
  • When setting a specific recurrence date, optionally choose to ignore the recurrence if a learner completed it within a number of specified days.


Grandfather Learners When Adding New Learning Program

In the past, an admin or manager would have to manually give credit to learners who did not require the training once the new learning program was activated. Now, when adding the new learning program, admins can give credit to all current learners or to all learners who were hired before a specific date, essentially “grandfathering” them in so they do not have to take unnecessary training.


New Options When Adding Content to an Existing Learning Program

This update provides more flexibility for how to treat learners who have already completed a learning program after new content is added to that learning program, including:

  • Requiring the learner to complete the new item(s).
  • Giving learners who have completed the learning program credit and specifying an effective date and optional comments.
  • Allowing the learner to retain their completion if they were hired before a specific date or if they completed the training within a specified number of days.



March 2023


Performance Enhancements: New Manage Content Filter

We have added a feature to the filter in Manage Content that allows you to hide all content items and learning programs in Review status. These optimizations can improve performance by as much as 30% on key screens such as Manage Content, Manager’s Dashboard, and My Training. This setting will be saved across sessions but can be turned off when you are working with in-progress items, and then turned back on when you’re finished.


New Home Page for Store Devices

We’ve streamlined the home page for store-based access without login. This condensed view opens to messages by default with quick access to a toggle to resources, and all messages are now accessible from the home page instead of only the first four. In addition, the view from this page is now simplified to show the first line of the description for resources on the home page.


QR Code Scanner Now in Main Navigation

The QR code scanner icon is now available in both the logged in learner view and the store- based view in the main navigation at the bottom of the app. This change makes it quicker to scan a printed QR code for immediate access to the resource.


Exam per Question Report

The new Exam Per Question Report will help users determine whether an exam is yielding the optimal number of passing scores vs. when their training is ineffective. This report provides access to data on a specific exam across a campus, sub-campus, or location and includes the following details:

  • For entire exam
    • Average passing score
    • Average number of attempts needed to pass
    • Number of learners who passed the exam on the first attempt
  • For each question
    • Number and percentage of correct answers
    • Number and percentage of incorrect answers
    • Number and percentage left unanswered


New Mobile App Icon

As we work to bring TalentLink into the full suite of Crunchtime solutions, we’ve made changes to the look and feel of the app. Starting next week, the mobile app will be shown with a new yellow icon (instead of purple).


More Resources on Mobile App Home Page

We have removed the limit of resources that can be accessed from the mobile app home page. This will allow your learners to access unlimited resources with decreased navigation, so they can learn faster and get back out onto the floor to put their new skills into practice.