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Operations Execution (Zenput) Product Updates

Learn about new features we've released lately and how you can leverage this functionality for your business.

June 2024


Increased calendar event options 

We’ve increased the number of options for First Task Starts and the Last Task Due lists in Calendar events. Users can now select 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours Before as options, and 3 hours After, in addition to the options already present.  


Duplicated question text changes

We no longer append the words “Copy of” to the front of a duplicated question, meaning that users no longer have to manually edit the text of that question to remove the “Copy of.”


New iMonnit webhooks integration for sensors

Readings coming from iMonnit sensors will now be around 10 minutes, instead of 20 mins/30 mins or longer. 



May 2024


Hierarchy search improvements 

Users will now have the ability to search for a user, team, or location, then elect to show where that selection is present within their entire hierarchy by clicking “show in hierarchy.”


April 2024


Thermapen ONE Blue temperature probe added to supported devices 

Zenput now supports the Thermapen ONE Blue temperature probe from Thermoworks.

By completing this integration, we can maintain our current temperature probe workflows without disruptions.  This also offers a new hardware integration for those looking to review their options and potentially  a new probe if they prefer. 



March 2024


Increased clarity between brand wide and company owned options 

In Projects, we’ve removed the default selector between brand wide and company owned. This will prompt users to actively choose which of the two they select, preventing projects sent to the wrong locations. 


Project preview is now sticky 

The project preview is now sticky and follows users down the page, so the most relevant information is always accessible to them as they continue to work on their Project. 


February 2024


Brand-Wide Advanced Filters

Zenput Brand-Wide users can now find relevant form submissions from their reporting companies much more quickly and easily with the addition of four new advanced filters. In addition to existing filters, users will now be able to filter by: 

  • Location 
  • Project 
  • Company 
  • Date submitted 

August 2023


Search Bar on Mobile “My Forms” Page

The new search bar will allow users to quickly find any form they need in the “My Forms” section of the Zenput mobile app. Rather than scrolling through all forms leveraged by the company, do a quick search for a keyword or form title at the top of “My Forms.”


Trigger Ranges on Sensor Charts

This UI improvement helps users look at the chart and quickly understand how their temperature monitoring is performing over time within the temperature range they have set for the trigger. This would help them adjust their trigger ranges as needed to get better, more actionable alerts and reduce alert fatigue.

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July 2023


Custom Question Ordering

With easy drag and drop functionality, stores can re-order questions exactly how they want–customizable in each store. Once saved, that form with its custom question order will become the new version of that form for that store. Users can save time on line checks, closing checklists, and more by reordering the fields based on their own store’s layout.

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"Select All" Option in the Form Builder

Users can now perform bulk actions like setting all the fields in the forms as required when creating a form. Save the time and effort of clicking each field individually by instead doing bulk updates when a form contains 200+ fields.

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May 2023


Temperature Reading Method in Submission Excel Reports

Users can now better prevent pencil whipping and lack of probe use by gaining visibility into temperature check source. With this update, users can see in the new form field if the temperature field data was entered manually, with BLE probes, or with Sensors in the form field.


Brand Wide Ad Hoc Form Templates

New Brand-Wide Ad Hoc Form Templates gives Franchisors the ability to share a form template to shared roles in franchisee companies. This will allow Franchisee users to access that form template in the Mobile “My Forms” section to use as needed without it being tied to a project.

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April 2023


Standardization of Sensor Nickname

With standardization of sensor naming, Ops leaders can easily compare reports generated for multiple stores. This update also prevents food safety issues and inventory loss due to triggers set by sensor nickname rather than sensor placement, causing that sensor to not be included in the necessary trigger settings.

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March 2023


Search Feature for Attributes

Users can now find specific values in attributes visualization with a search bar. Attributes visualization allows customers and ZP/CT internal teams to see which attributes are associated with particular locations for improved visibility, troubleshooting, and accountability, which is now made more efficient by the search bar feature.

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New Back End Design System Filter for Location Attributes

Location Attributes Filter brings a new component from Bento, the Zenput backend design system, into the web application, which is part of the larger effort to bring our users a consistent experience across the platform pages.


New Bento Brand-Wide Projects Page

This upgrade to the Brand-Wide Projects Page is one of many page upgrades to a new style of page on our backend design system. This allows for easier development on the page in the future and fixes several bugs out of the box.