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Food Safety Awareness

Watch a 2-minute video sample answering frequently asked questions regarding food handling practices.


Course Abstract

25 minutes

Reduce liability risk, and avoid negative publicity through interactive food safety training that demonstrates the critical importance of proper food handling to ensure the physical safety of your customers and employees. This essential course educates employees about the critical role they play in providing a clean and safe environment for customers, and how to prevent potentially dangerous situations involving foodborne illness and food allergens.

  • Explains how a foodborne illness occurs and who is most at risk

  • Shares how food can be contaminated and how to prevent contamination from occurring

  • Defines the temperature danger zone and how it affects the food we receive, store, prepare, and serve

  • Teaches the dangers of cross-contamination, including common causes and the critical role that managers and employees play in prevention
  • Explores essential information for receiving and storing food safely

  • Provides critical guidelines for prepping, cooking and cooling food safely

  • Identifies the Big 8 food allergens and the symptoms of an allergic reaction

  • Describes how to prevent food-related allergic reactions and the steps to follow should one occur

Used by Culver’s to reduce food safety training time by 75%



Hourly Employees


Interactive discovery
Integrated exam




Full narration
Onscreen text option
Tin Can compatible
Mobile ready