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Maintaining A Respectful Workplace

Watch a 2-minute sample showing a practice activity with scenario-based decisions.


Course Abstract

16 minutes

Harassment prevention education that stops at managers is not sufficient in today’s complex work environments. Foster a positive, respectful workplace by teaching employees what behaviors are considered harassing, the impact of harassment on the rest of the team, and what to do if they experience or observe harassment.

  • Explains the impacts of harassing or bullying behavior in creating a hostile workplace

  • Describes the types of conduct that are considered offensive or unwelcome

  • Includes practical examples of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation

  • Expands on the definition of abusive conduct and bullying behavior
  • Defines bystander intervention and outlines ways employees can intervene to stop harassment as a bystander

  • Addresses common misconceptions about harassing behavior with a Fact or Fiction game and reinforces concepts by explaining correct responses

  • Presents scenarios that allow employees to decide the best course of action when offensive behavior is encountered

  • Clarifies what is meant by a zero-tolerance policy and why retaliation is illegal

Include employee education in your harassment prevention efforts



Hourly Employees


Interactive exploration
Smart gamification
Scenario decisions




Full narration
Onscreen text option
Tin Can compatible
Mobile ready