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Manager Resilience

Watch a 1-minute video sample describing the four core abilities of emotional intelligence.


Course Abstract

14 minutes

Teach your managers the art of emotional intelligence to help them excel amidst chaos and avoid overreacting in crisis situations. Resilient managers are more confident and comfortable leading in times of stress. By realizing that they cannot control every circumstance entirely, but can control how they react, managers can learn to turn a bad situation into a win.

  • Shares strategies for measuring the impact of a situation, maintaining self-control, appraising the required timeliness of a decision, and evaluating the mindset of parties involved

  • Explains the four core abilities of emotional intelligence: self-control, persistence, self-motivation, and empathy

  • Uses an interactive activity to detect stressors and determine which of the emotional intelligence abilities provides the best response
  • Discusses tips for success, including thinking before acting, following company procedures, following up after the situation is resolved, and consulting leaders when needed

  • Includes manager testimonials describing good strategies for dealing with stressful situations

  • Interactively explores how follow up, prevention, having a positive attitude, and sharing knowledge with others can help turn a bad situation into a win

Teach emotional intelligence techniques to maintain control





Interactive exploration
Scenario-based activity
Manager testimonials




Full narration
Onscreen text option
Tin Can compatible
Mobile ready