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Crunchtime Support Policy

Customer support icon
Support Hours

24 hours/5 days a week, U.S. Time Zones (Monday-Friday, excluding company holidays) for standard services as outlined in each product’s Support Policy below. Our team provides 24/7 monitoring and response for urgent cases.

NetChef, Teamworx, Kitchen Sync, TalentLink

  Support Main Page


Our Support Policy

The Crunchtime Support Policy (“Policy”) is here to help you understand how we will work together to meet your business needs and enable you to maximize the benefits of your Crunchtime solutions. In this Policy, you will find helpful information about the components of your Maintenance Services, target response times, escalations, and more. If you have questions not answered by this Policy, please email support@crunchtime.com.

Crunchtime’s mission is to provide world-class products and support, resulting in satisfied Customers.  Crunchtime strives to deliver this by:

  • Delivering value
  • Responding timely  
  • Quality resolution
  • Encouraging feedback
  • Continuous improvement
  • Commitment to training

Our Product Support and Product Maintenance Teams are Customer-oriented professionals excited about collaborating with Customers to resolve any questions arising from using our products.

I. Support Services

All Support Services described in this Policy are provided to Customer during its Term so long as Customer is current on the payment of SaaS Fees.

This Policy uses specific terms, which are defined at the end of this Policy.

A. Crunchtime Support Responsibilities Generally

Crunchtime provides Maintenance for all Software components. Crunchtime’s primary Maintenance responsibilities are generally set forth below and more particularly described in this Policy:

Providing guidance and offering tips and techniques for the use of the Software.
Troubleshooting issues with the Software when the Customer experiences unexpected results.
Using commercially reasonable efforts to reproduce Errors and assist in providing Workarounds to help maintain stability until the Error is resolved.

B. Software Support

Crunchtime manages support for the Software through the creation and management of cases. A “case” is a single, reproducible issue or request for assistance that is related to the Software.

1. Authorized Contacts

Customer shall provide Tier 1 support to its user base. Tier 1 support includes:

(i) providing support and assistance regarding the proper use and functionality of the Software; 

(ii) troubleshooting Errors through front end/self-help error resolution tactics (user guide, error message information, resolve integration errors, review logs and address issues); and

(iii) reviewing historical cases reported and applying previously provided Error Corrections or Workarounds to repeat Errors. 
Customer may provide up to 5 individuals (Authorized Contacts) who will be authorized to obtain support services directly from CrunchTime.  Once name and contact information is provided to CrunchTime by the Customer, the Authorized Contacts will be provision in the Customer Support Portal.

2. Requesting Support

Crunchtime’s Customer Support Portal (https://crunchtime.zendesk.com/hc/en-us) is available 24 x 7 for submitting cases, searching for solutions, and monitoring the status of any open cases.

Customer may also submit cases by email at any time via support@crunchtime.com

To resolve the case as quickly as possible, Customer should provide the following information with each request:
  • Customer’s contact information, including company name, name of Maintenance Contact, email, and phone number.

  • Details of the case, including any error messages, steps to produce the problem, screenshots, or other output data.

  • Description of the problem’s frequency, i.e., intermittently or always, and whether it affects one, some, or all Authorized Users.

  • Description of the problem’s impact to the business.
3. Severity Levels and Response Time Targets

Crunchtime will make commercially reasonable efforts to provide an Error Correction or Workaround for all Errors that Crunchtime can verify and reproduce. Without limiting the foregoing, Crunchtime is not responsible to provide Support Services related to failures or other problems caused by (a) the use or operation of the Software with any other software or in an environment other than as intended, recommended or otherwise authorized by Crunchtime, (b) Customer-specific modifications to the Software or other functionality or interfaces created by the Customer (c) operator error or use of the Software in a manner inconsistent with the Documentation or the SaaS Agreement, or (d) Customer’s hardware or operating system.

Crunchtime’s targets for response times are dependent on the impact that a particular case is having on the Customer.  

The following table defines Crunchtime’s Severity Level classifications and Response Time Targets.



First Reply

Resolution Time

Periodic Update

Urgent An essential transactional feature doesn’t function properly when used, resulting in a critical impact on the Customer's operations. No workaround is available.  30 minutes 2 hours 2 hours
High Operations are severely restricted, but there is an available workaround (otherwise classified as Urgent), and the system is otherwise operational.  2 hours 1 Business Day 1 Business Day
Normal Licensed Software functions but one or more non-essential features are not functioning to specification.  1 Business Day 21 Business Days None
Low Minor feature failure. Suggested improvement or enhancement. Training issues that can be answered by accessing Help within the product.  4 Business Days 60 Business Days None


C. Supported Versions and Release Adoption Protocol

Crunchtime develops and releases products across a variety of solution platforms.  At any point in time, Crunchtime will support the latest generally available Release along with the noted Long-Term Support (LTS) Version.  It is within Crunchtime’s discretion to notate which Release is the LTS Version and there will only be one LTS Version at any point in time.  In order to not impact Support Services governed by this policy, Customer must choose one of the following adoption protocols.

Customer will have the option of two adoption protocols for release adoption.

  • The first protocol is remaining current on the latest generally available Release. This adoption protocol keeps Customer’s Crunchtime environment on the latest generally available Release.
  • The second protocol is to adopt the current LTS Version with 90 days of the general availability date.  

Crunchtime will deploy patches to Customer’s environment on a frequent basis (no less than 2 times per month) to reduce interruptions to usability of the Software.  Scheduled Outages are notified via Crunchtime’s status page (https://crunchtimestatuspage-1622126660813.site24x7statusiq.com/)


D. End of Support Life (EOSL) - Restaurant

Crunchtime will no longer provide support or maintenance services for the following products and versions listed below. 



Effective by

NetChef, Enterprise Manager, Teamworx

10.30 and below

September 30th, 2024

The EOSL for these products and versions entails the following consequences:

  • Cessation of Updates, Patches, and Enhancements: There will be no further issuance of updates, patches, or enhancements.
  • Termination of Technical Support Services: Our customer support team will cease to provide technical assistance or troubleshooting services. Customers are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the latest version to access our ongoing support and the latest features.
  • Potential Security Risks: The utilization of unsupported software versions may potentially expose your systems to security vulnerabilities. We emphatically advise upgrading to safeguard the security of your data and systems.

We are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our customers by focusing our resources on the latest software versions and ensuring that they receive the highest level of support and security. 

Right to Discontinue Support: At times, as part of Crunchtime's product lifecycle, it may become necessary to discontinue support for certain Software Releases. This includes any embedded third-party programs for which support has been retired by the manufacturer or vendor of such programs, or when, in Crunchtime's good faith determination, supporting them is no longer practical. Therefore, Crunchtime reserves the right to discontinue support as needed. Customers will be notified of any decisions to discontinue support, even if these decisions supersede previously published Release Adoption Protocols and/or Supported Versions. Please note that information regarding discontinued support is subject to change.

E. End of Support Life (EOSL) - Cruise

Crunchtime will no longer provide support or maintenance services for the products and versions listed below. 


Ship and Shoreside Production Version

Effective by

NetChef and Enterprise Manager

The current General Release and the previous 2 versions of the Software. The lowest version will be desupported upon the next General Release. A yearly patch will be released in June. Please note that any patch for fixes will only be released for the current General Release and not for the previous 2 versions of the Software. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis for Critical Issues where no workaround exists. For upgrades and patches to your Production and Test Instance(s), you will be responsible for requesting the needed artifacts and actions via this page (Upgrading or Patching Crunchtime Applications).

Version 5: Sept 30th, 2024**
 Version 8: December 31st, 2024***
Version 10: December 31st, 2025
Version 11: December 31st, 2026


Replication is a Continuous Release. While you will not be forced to upgrade production, it is understood that any issues requiring a change or enhancement to the replication application will only be included in the most recent release. Crunchtime-hosted customers will have their Test Instance(s) updated to the most recent Release of the Replication Application. For Production and Test* upgrades, you will be responsible for requesting the needed artifacts and actions via this page (Upgrading or Patching Crunchtime Applications).

*For Customers who Self-Host.


The EOSL for these products and versions entails the following consequences:

  • Cessation of Updates, Patches, and Enhancements: There will be no further issuance of updates, patches, or enhancements.
  • Termination of Technical Support Services: Our customer support team will cease to provide technical assistance or troubleshooting services. Customers are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the latest version to access our ongoing support and the latest features.
  • Potential Security Risks: The utilization of unsupported software versions may potentially expose your systems to security vulnerabilities. We emphatically advise upgrading to safeguard the security of your data and systems.

We are committed to delivering the best possible experience to our customers by focusing our resources on the latest software versions and ensuring that they receive the highest level of support and security.

** For Version 5 only, as an exception for this version only, we would provide Technical Support Services only through March 31, 2025.  Note that the cessation of updates, patches and enhancements, even for security issues, would be by the date in the matrix above.  Note that this includes all versions of 5, e.g. 5.x.y

*** For Version 8 only, as an exception for this version only, we would provide Technical Support Services only through March 31, 2025.  Note that the cessation of updates, patches and enhancements, even for security issues, would be by the date in the matrix above.  Note that this includes all versions of 8, e.g. 8.x.y

Right to Discontinue Support: At times, as part of Crunchtime's product lifecycle, it may become necessary to discontinue support for certain Software Releases. This includes any embedded third-party programs for which support has been retired by the manufacturer or vendor of such programs, or when, in Crunchtime's good faith determination, supporting them is no longer practical. Therefore, Crunchtime reserves the right to discontinue support as needed. Customers will be notified of any decisions to discontinue support, even if these decisions supersede previously published Release Adoption Protocols and/or Supported Versions. Please note that information regarding discontinued support is subject to change.


F. Outside of scope

Crunchtime strives to help support Customer with all issues, including spending up to 15 minutes on issues that are outside the scope of Maintenance Services. This applies to the following out-of-scope areas:

System setup Any case logged that relates to a new implementation system setup or the configuration or installation of new products and features.
Modified objects
(custom software)
Support Services provide assistance for Crunchtime’s standard Software code set. However, it does not include assistance regarding the code of module customizations, extensions, interfaces, or other Deliverables. Crunchtime may provide “Deliverables Support” through Implementation Services. Any case logged that relates to non-standard Versions of the Software will be transferred to Crunchtime’s Implementation Services team if it is covered by a separate agreement for those Deliverables. Cases that are not covered by a separate agreement may be undertaken as Additional Services or through the execution of a SOW.
Customer hardware/ operating system Any case regarding assistance with Customer’s hardware configuration, operating-system tuning, or database administration tasks.
Data correction Cases related to data corrections or corruptions that are not directly caused by Errors.
Training It is important to have properly trained Authorized Contacts with strong business and product knowledge to drive the most value to Customer’s business from the Software and make for the most effective exchange between the Crunchtime support team and the Authorized Contacts. Crunchtime’s Implementation Services Organization provides training and education through training offerings and access to training content. If Customer is unsure whether the issue is a support case or whether it requires consulting or training services, Customer should follow the case submission process with Crunchtime Support. A support analyst will work with you to determine the best plan of action and introduce the appropriate resources.

Crunchtime offers various Implementation Services, including customizations, custom application extension code, custom reports, customer-specific requirements, and customer interfaces, which are collectively described as Deliverables in this Policy.  In its discretion, Crunchtime may try to provide suggestions, directions, or workarounds for Deliverables, but Crunchtime will not debug, resolve issues related to, or develop Deliverables as a part of Support Services. Services related to Deliverables are not within the scope of Support Services.  Crunchtime may require the Customer to enter into a SOW to provide such assistance.

II. Definitions

“Authorized Contact” means Customer’s personnel more particularly described in Section I.B.1 of this Policy.

“Business Day” means Monday – Friday, excluding Crunchtime U.S. published Holidays.

“Business Hours” means 8am – 8pm EST, Monday – Friday, excluding Crunchtime U.S. published Holidays.

“Customer” means the entity that enters into a SaaS Agreement with Crunchtime, where the SaaS Agreement provides that Customer is to receive a subscription to Software. Customer may also be referred to in this Policy as “you” or “your.”

“Deliverables” means documents, material, and computer software, including interfaces, delivered or made accessible to Customer by Crunchtime in the provision of Implementation Services or any other services provided by Crunchtime, except that the Software and Documentation are not included in the definition of Deliverables.

“Documentation” means the user guide(s), installation instructions, user instructions, Release notes, manuals, and on-line help files in the form generally made available by Crunchtime to its customers regarding the use of the applicable Software, including the minimum hardware, software, operating system, and other system and configuration requirements for the proper use of the Software, as Modified and provided to Customer from time to time.

“Error” means a material failure of the Software to conform to the functional specifications described in its Documentation.

“Error Correction” means any Modification to the Software or routine intended to correct the practical adverse effect of an Error or Modification to the Documentation.

“Implementation Services” is defined as other services provided by Crunchtime to Customer in accordance with a SOW, as Additional Services, or other services provided on a time and expense basis.

“Long-Term Support” (LTS) shall refer to a generally available Release of the Software that Crunchtime has notated as the LTS Version. Only one LTS Version will be available at a given time. The length of time between general availability of one LTS to the next will be no greater than 12 months.

“Modification” means any enhancement, new Release, Error Correction, derivative work, or other change.

“Patch” means a new, generally available Release of the Software made available between Versions as needed based on Crunchtime’s determination of the severity of a reported Error.

“Release” means a Version or Patch that is made available to Customer as a part of Support Services.

“SaaS Agreement” shall refer to the applicable order executed by Customer and Crunchtime that specifies the Software that Crunchtime agrees to provide to Customer and governing terms of the Subscription Services Agreement. Frequently, this document is called the Subscription Services Agreement and Crunchtime Software Order Form.

“Software” means the user interface, the underlying database, data architecture, data model, data schema, and data structure, and the object code of the applicable software module(s), including any approved Modifications thereto, which is granted access to as part of the SaaS, as indicated in an Order Form. Software does not include any Deliverables.

“Standard Support Hours” are 8am – 8pm EST, Monday – Friday, excluding Crunchtime U.S. published Holidays.

“Support Services” means the services to be provided by Crunchtime in accordance with this Policy.

“Version” means a new, generally available Release of the Software that frequently will contain new functionality and is normally released less frequently than Patches.

“Workaround” means a reasonable change in Customer’s operating procedures that reasonably minimize the effects of an Error on the normal operation of the Software.

Effective 11.22.22