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COVID-19 Response Updates for employees and all restaurants

COVID-19 Response Updates

While everyone has been affected by the COVID-19 virus, it's important for us to let our customers, partners, and the restaurant community know we are open, we are available, and we are moving forward with a plan.

In addition to updates on our blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn channels, we would like to share our response and recommend some useful resources as we navigate this "new normal" together.

Stay well,
The CrunchTime Team



(8/17/20) Data Analysis: Tracking US Restaurant Industry Recovery

With customer locations in every US state ranging across virtually every foodservice category, CrunchTime has organized a series of charts that show how restaurant sales are trending across America since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. 



(4/15/20) A letter to our customers from Bill Bellissimo, CEO

To our valued Partners,

As you may know, May of this year is the 25th anniversary of my founding of CrunchTime. A period that should have been joyous for our company has instead been defined by the horrific COVID-19 pandemic. As our friends and partners around the world are experiencing such great pain and uncertainty navigating their daily lives, I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on the journey that our company has taken.

Over the past quarter-century, we have managed through the internet bubble of 2000, the attacks of 9/11, the financial crisis of 2008, and the more mundane challenges of bootstrapping a technology company to become a global leader. At every turn, we have emerged stronger by staying close to our customers, managing our finances responsibly, and investing in the amazing team members that we have had the opportunity to work with. Nothing I have seen in those 25 years could have prepared me for what we are all experiencing today.

In this time of great uncertainty and confusion, we are determined to focus on those things that we can control and to operate in a methodical, responsible, and pragmatic manner. I want to affirm certain fundamentals of that approach as we move forward.

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  • While we have undergone a necessary salary adjustment across the board, we have no plans for a reduction in the workforce. There is pain for all of us, but in this perilous time, it is important that our team feels safe and secure in their employment with our company. We will do our best to support our team.
  • Every customer should expect the same level of service they have always received from CrunchTime. We continue to work diligently to provide all customers with first-class support, to drive development on an important release for the 2nd quarter, and to continue testing and hardening our infrastructure.
  • Throughout this period of unprecedented challenge to our industry, we are working with every customer to understand their financial challenges, while supporting them with uncompromised levels of service. Customers should never hesitate to contact me or my team if they think we can help them navigate this perilous path.
  • We will continue to work closely and respectfully with all of our vendors and partners (as they have with us) to navigate a sound path forward for all.

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In this most difficult time, I draw incredible strength from the resilience and warmth of the relationships we have forged over the years. While I believe the platform we have built is remarkable, nothing is more important to me or this organization than the people: our customers, our team members, and our partners. I am incredibly grateful to have experienced this with each of you and feel blessed that you have chosen to work with us, to push us, and to drive us to be better. While there are certainly great challenges ahead, I believe we can all emerge stronger on the other side. Armed with 25 years of mistakes, successes, and valuable lessons learned, we are committed to doing everything in our power to make that a reality.

Be safe, be careful and hug your loved ones,

bill sig

Bill Bellissimo, CEO
CrunchTime! Information Systems, Inc.



(3/18/20) A letter to our customers from Bill Bellissimo, CEO

To our valued Partners,

The unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 have caused me and my team to reflect on the important relationships we have built over the last 25 years. We care deeply about our valued partners who have trusted us to help them run their businesses, and our team members who have worked so hard to earn that trust. As you navigate the uncertainty that each day brings, I want you to be confident about what you can expect from us as a trusted strategic partner.

Below is our operating response to this crisis; in short, CrunchTime is prepared, staffed and organized to support our user community throughout this most uncertain and difficult time.

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  • We have long supported remote work environments for our team. For the safety and wellbeing of our team members, we have strongly encouraged everyone to work from home, while providing the option of coming into our offices.
  • Over the past 24 months, we implemented a full suite of technology solutions allowing our teams to collaborate, communicate, and share information, whether they’re in the office or at home. In client services, product development, infrastructure, administration and all other areas of our business, our goal is to continue to deliver the same levels of service you have always received from our company.
  • We have invested extensively in the technology, people, and process behind the resiliency of our core production infrastructure, technical infrastructure, and disaster recovery plan. In these volatile times we can’t anticipate everything that might happen, but we have thought critically about those challenges, and are confident that we are prepared for any contingencies.

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Our leadership team has been closely monitoring the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and our local and federal government authorities. We will continue to monitor, evaluate, and respond to the best fact-based information available, so we can safely navigate this volatile and fast-changing environment.

Over the next few days our Client Services team will be reaching out to the primary contacts at each partner company to make sure that we understand the unique challenges you face. During this time of crisis, our entire organization is committed to working tirelessly to support your businesses. If you have specific questions or additional concerns please reach out to me, or any member of our leadership team.

We will get through this together.

Please be careful and we wish you, your families, and your co-workers good health and the strength of community.


bill sig

Bill Bellissimo, CEO
CrunchTime! Information Systems, Inc.


What you need to know about COVID-19

Here you will find well-researched, and easy-to-understand information on the coronavirus, and how you can prepare for it. A trusted business partner of ours recently sent us this short interactive course we found very helpful.

- Learn about COVID-19


Operational recommendations from our experts

If and when the coronavirus or government mandates are forcing your restaurants to close locations, we’d like to help you manage the CrunchTime-related parts of that process simply and easily. Contact your Customer Success Manager to get started.